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The home of the Cardex Golf Society

The thing we never play to!

Current Handicaps

Dick Whittington13
Ian Johnstone15
Kevin Wray17
Del Woolley18
Nigel Woodus23
Dave Townsend23
Ian Wilson25
Angus Gibbins26
Phil Smith30
Pete Brew30
Kev Havlin30
Pete Ormshaw45
Kev Ryan46

CGS Handicap Rules

To quote the Handicap Secretary - the world of golf has finally caught up with the CGS. As such there are no longer any maximums applicable to the Pig Trophy. The handicaps shown will apply to all CGS competitions and the table is reduced to a single column.

The Handicap Committee's decisions are always final. Appeals may be lodged under special circumstances which involve lots of beer and bribes, usually on a Thursday evening.